Thursday, 14 February 2013

BA5 Studio Project | Production #29

Learning how to make Normal and Specular Maps plus how to Apply them to my Model

Lothar suggested that we use Crazybump to create specular and normal maps on  our assets to further enhance the detail.  Here is a walkthrough of how I created the normal and specular maps for my model. 

Normal Mapping the Books and the Photo Frames

Creating the Specular Maps

BA5 Studio Project | Production #29

Texturing the Rest of my Book Shelf Assets

I have screen captured all the relevant parts of my asset texturing for  my blog to show the progress, as I have been focussing on this for the last week I haven't had time to blog and now I don’t have enough time to write use what exactly I was doing, either way here are the screen caps to show my progression.

I had to manually lighten my ambient occlusions because the originals were just too dark to even show a texture.

I then started to cut out my textures and block them into the correct areas of the UV’s.

Then I textured the photo frames. I was going to use actual photographs but decided to refer back to my game design document and use work that I had created (sanity notes and diary entries) which are taped to the photo frames. These would serve as collectables for the player to find. 

Finally I had the vase to texture, this wasn’t very hard at all as the UV’s were the most simple compared to the books and photo frames

The Textures
Because I used a large variety of free textures  i dont have the time or space to post them all here (you can see most of them in my screen caps anyway) I will, however, reference the websites that I used to download the textures.