Friday, 15 March 2013

BA6 | Specialism #01

Oh, Hey BA6
So last Monday (11th) we were briefed by Nigel, our project leader for BA6. Having been able to read the brief online for several weeks I was already roughly aware of what was in store for me regarding BA6.

Last Friday (8th) I had a feedback meeting with our previous project leader, Lothar, regarding BA5 but it soon turned into a “what are you doing for BA6” talk. We discussed how I plan to continue honing in my 3D skills and how I could work towards achieving more high quality work. Lothar told me he wanted me to continue working with environments and asset creation which is good because this is exactly what I had intended to work on.

With BA6 we are lucky, we get to write our own study proposal which is focused on the intention of honing our skills in on a particular area, which for me is 3D asset creation and level design. Lothar said that it would be best for me to focus on a small area within an environment/level and ensure my textures are high quality and realistic (consider weathering, area, rubble, damage etc). Something I personally want to work on is injecting personality into my environment so that it’s not purely primitive shapes, this will help me create a realistic environment.  
Creating the Calendar/Schedule

With this in mind, my first goal was to try and complete the learning agreement which I have just sent off to Nigel. I am going to keep my learning agreement private for now until I know it’s correctly filled out. What I will post up is my calendar, which might I add is absolutely adorable and covered in kittens :D

I figured that this is the best option because when I am, inevitably, going to be stressed out from BA6 I can just look at all the cute kittens on my calendar and feel better :D I really hope this plan works anyway haha. Here is some kitty love…You’ll notice the clear focus on the kittens as opposed to the schedule ;) 

Okay here are my actual calendar dates, minus the kittens :/




It’s actually quite scary to see how little time we have and how realistically we don’t get an Easter holiday. Honestly I am okay with this because I’d rather just keep on plasticising my 3D skills anyway but I want to make sure I do well in this unit and I haven’t really given myself any “days off” on my schedule which is a mistake because I know I will have to take SOME time off. So yeah, I think this will need a little work and re adjusting but for now I am happy that I have the major dates noted down with a rough time plan of how long I can take to produce the work, I think this will be very helpful :)

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