Sunday, 18 March 2012

BA3: Digital Modeling

Notes from the First Maya Tutorial
Here are the notes that I took to help me remember how to re-create the initial cube from the previous Maya session. 

  Set project in Maya as normal, portalCompanionCube_jls

Copy the reference file which will become the reference images into the “source images” folder.

Enter the orthographic view (spacebar) > View > Image Plane > Import Image.

Highlight the reference images and click the orange & blue ball (bottom right of the screen, new layer) > name & “reference”.

Select the polygon s from the top left of the screen (drop down menu) > Cube now > (interactive cube) > turn off interactive creation.

Right click the new cube shape, select faces, vertex or edges depending on what you need to do.

Vertex allows you to move “corners” that you select.

Double click move tool, common selection > tick “camera based selection” (then you can select more accurately).

Double click on icons on the shelf to bring up their options.

Right side > Inputs (pCube1) > select the width, height & depth > middle mouse to edit all the attributes.

To make the cube have the ridge > right click > select faces > hold shift > select faces you want.

Edit mesh (“keep faces together” selected) > Extrude (found on the polygon shelf, double click) > Offset.

Right click and select edge > double click the lines that follow the cube around.

Bevel tool (under edit mesh when the polygon tools are selected) 
Workflow to get the proper ridge on the cube: Select the 4 squares on 1 face of the cube using the extrude tool, offset them too 1 & thickness 0 > Now reselect the other faces and hit the G key to apply to all faces > Now re-select the 4 squares on a face of the cube > double click the extrude tool but this time set the offset to 0 and thickness to 0.5 and extrude > now re-select the other squares on the faces and hit the G shortcut again.

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