Sunday, 13 May 2012

BA3: Material & Rendering Fundamentals

I am struggling immensely to render this an animate a turntable for submission without internet help. I have called friends who have tried to give me a talk-through guide over the phone on how to render and create a turn table and from the sounds of it I’m not doing anything different so I am at a loss. I cant even open up Maya help because that needs the internet to load. 

As I am writing this blog post with the final door all lit up (although even the lighting isn’t quite what I wanted as I couldn’t look up techniques therefore I am not quite as happy with the outcome as I could of been…) and the model complete all I need to do is render it and create a turntable video but I just cant. So what I plan to do is blog about what I have tried to do in order to render and create a turntable video so you can at least see that I tried. I am going out somewhere that has internet later to upload this blog and probably wont be able to blog any more after that so even if I can get the door done I wont be able to upload it to my blog unless I do it quickly at uni tomorrow which is the deadline. 

Moaning aside, here is what I am trying to do to get this door to render and animate. 


Overcoming the Problems...
Okay so I have had huge problems rendering my turntable video for my door, all the suggested software to use I couldn't download due to my internet being cut off at the worst possible time this weekend. 

To combat this, Stacey helped me so much. I was able to go to my partners to use his internet so big thanks to him! Here, I was able use the internet to get in touch with Stacey and she was able to help me with the use of a guide she used to do her turn table, to then do mine.
To do this I had to create a 90fps animation time line. Create a camera myself in Maya and animate it so that it rotated around the front of my door. I key framed it at frame 1 and at frame 90. 
I then set up my render settings and made sure it batch rendered the camera as opposed to the perspective view. This way it would render (record) what the camera was seeing, which was the 180 turn around the front of the door.  After the settings were  done, I was able to select batch render and render the turntable. 


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