Monday, 22 October 2012

BA4: Game Design Document #12

The title pretty much says it all to be honest. My plan of action for our game is to be chief gameplay designer. By this I mean that it is my role to design the gameplay mechanics, how the game plays, what sort of tools it uses etc. However, on a more personal note, I want to do 3D modeling.

This project seems geared slightly more towards 2D artists which of course is fine, but I don’t want to spend a term doing no 3D because I need to keep learning and experimenting. I have discussed with my group my possibilities and we have decided that the best thing for me to do is design some sort of monster.

Of course the last thing I want to do is take this role away from my team friend Stacey, as her role is lead character artist, so what I have done is looked at her research on her blog and talked about inspirations with her. We are lucky in that we share very similar opinions on scary material so it’s  not like I will be designing something which will have a completely different feel to her monsters and thus look out of place. 

I am also NOT designing the main monsters, the Mother, Father or Baby. I am taking on the smaller role of designing a basic “phobia/symptom” monster (this will be explained soon) which could be seen roaming around the museum or popping up in the main characters paranoia phases/when her sanity is low. 

For  now I am going to post some images which inspire me, then discuss them with Stacey, and hopefully move onto trying to design something. 
Alex Tuis

Anthony Jones

Aris Kolokontes

Brent Hollowell

Brynn Metheney

 Chris Waller

 Cory Trego-Erdner

 David Blight

Gio Nakpil 

Ryan Firchau 

Scott Flanders

All of these artists are hugely talented and a great form of inspiration for our game. I know my group friend, Stacey, will love these too which makes the whole design process easier as we are on the same page design wise :D

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