Thursday, 10 November 2011

Project 2: Apple Interactive Concept

A Reminder of Ideas
Just a small post on possible level themes and animals to ride for the main purpose of the game. If I put them on here then I have something to refer to when researching for concepts and ideas as opposed to just having multiple ideas floating around in my head!

Possible Level Themes & Animal Ideas
I will highlight the animals I feel will work best with my ideas. 
  • Grass
    - Snake
    - Horse
    - Sheep/Goat
    - Lizard
  • Water
    - Fish
    - Whale
    - Turtle
    - Seal
    - Penguin
    - Dolphin
  • Arctic
    - Polar Bear
    - Penguin
    - Arctic Fox
  • Space
    - Dragon
    - (This would be a pretty "make believe" level)
  • Maountains
    - Goat
    - Eagle
  • Jungle
    - Giraffe
    - Monkey
    - Tiger
    - Elephant
  • Sky
    - Birds
    - Dinosaurs
  • Clouds
    - Birds
  • Floating
    - Mysterious creatures such as dinosaurs, dragons etc
  • City
    - Fox
    - Bird
  • Dreamy
    - Mysterious creatures such as dinosaurs, dragons etc
  • Seaside
    - Crab
    - Seals
    - Birds
  • Galaxy
    - Mysterious creatures such as dinosaurs, dragons etc
  • Dessert
    - Lizards
    - Birds
    - Camel

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