Friday, 18 November 2011

Project 2: Apple Interactive Concept

Clock & Dino Eggs 
Here are my concept pieces for the clocks that will be in the levels for extra time and the dino eggs which the player will have to collect. 

Clock Concept Designs 
Very quick and rough sketches for the clocks that the player has to collect in order to stay dreaming in game, this in turns makes more time to collect eggs and reach the end of the level. 
Final Clock

  Collectable Dino Egg Concept Designs
 Here are examples of what the eggs could look like that the player will be collecting for Cito, the dinosaur. They will vary in colour but this doesn't make any difference, purely aesthetical

Forgot to Mention...
I told you I would forget something. Earlier I was talking about my “new” story and how I had changed it. The game itself never had a name or working title, I was far too indecisive to create one and stick to it. I believe 2 days before the deadline is a perfect time to settle on a name...maybe. Anyway, here are a list of the few titles I had swimming around my mind. 

Dino Ride
Dino Speed
Dino Dash (this was what I really wanted but I found out there is already a game with this title...)
Dino Deano
Run Rex Run

Also, I was struggling to name the young boy and dinosaur. That is when I decided to get all “creative”. So, I got on google translator and started looking up fancy words for things associated with my game such as speed, fast, quick etc. I went for Latin because the words looked and read better. When I typed in “quickest” it gave me the word “Cito”. I thought this was an amazing name to give the dinosaur as the aim is to be the fastest, especially in the multiplayer modes which I will explain in a separate post. 

I originally named the boy “Rex” as in T Rex but I thought that was far too obvious. After trying to find names of dinosaurs that were also respectively boys names too I came to conclusion that there are no children named after dinosaurs for a reason...Anyway, after much searching I was thinking about just calling him dino boy or something overly simple to save time. That is when it hit me...DEANO. Like Dino, only it’s a genuine name and when said with Cito (pronounced “see-tow”) it rolls off the tongue so well, “Deano & Cito”. This is how I named my main protagonists.

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