Monday, 6 February 2012

BA2: Contextual Studies

Sean Millard

We were recently given a lecture by Sumo Digital creative director Sean Millard which was focused around his profession and how he managed to get where he is today. Here are the notes I took during the lecture. 

How did you get involved in the games industry?
In charge of a team of 20 – 50, did a fine art degree, does what he loves, he loves the process of games as opposed to playing them. You have to be able to put yourself and your ideas across. Understanding how teams work. 

Advice on getting into the industry?
Network, distinguish yourself, talking, friendships, take the initiative, be confident!

[on the Doctor Who video game adaptation] What you don't see on the TV episode can make the gameplay, for example if there is a man at the bottle of a cliff, the TV show will then cut to him at the top and the view makes the intelligent decision that the man has gone up the cliff to wherever he may be now. The game would take place on the way up the cliff and the man climbing. 

[on what certain roles are up and coming in the industry] User interface designers, menu designers, start ups & job ads. 

A tip to broadening your horizons; always look further for your inspiration, become involved in other aspects of life which doesn't involve games such as music, art, films etc.

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