Friday, 16 November 2012

BA4: Game Design Document #33

Designing and Creating Distorted Deliriums Logo/Title/Font
Productivity is at maximum today, lots to do! So far I have completed (minus a few final tweaks) the title screen image. I then moved onto creating our own font for the games title as well as it doubling up as a logo! Something about two birds and a stone?  Here are the stages of creation anyway. 

Stage 1: Rough Font Outline
Using Photoshop's basic brush tool, I wrote/drew/designed the font which our game title would be in. I included a backwards “R” because I am mega cool.

Stage 2: Touching Up the Outline
I used the lasso tool to outline around the grey. I did this with my mouse as I wanted the lines to have a hand drawn and rough quality which I wasn’t getting when I used my tablet pen. I then used the paintbrush to colour in the letters a base red colour. 

Stage 3: Textures and Layers
Using the magic wand and lasso tool, I kept making multiple layers and selecting parts of each letter to add texture too (Olive has kindly given me permission to use some of her textures). I also added some patterns to the side so that we could call this a logo and not just a font (lol). 

 Stage 4: Clarifying the Font
This was where I made minor tweaks. I added a red photo filter across the letters so that they were more red, less pink, then I used the doge and burn tool (thank you photography for teaching me this) to lighten up certain areas and darken others. I also reduced the opacity of the pattern layer so that it didn’t appear as text/ rendering the title less legible. 

Stage 5: Final Outcome
I then turned the base layer black so that I can merge it easily onto the title page screen. I then downloaded some AMAZING blood effect brushes from here, which I used on a new, low percentage opacity, to add blood splatters to the logo.

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