Thursday, 25 April 2013

BA6 | Specialism #17

Asset #7 - Temple Stairs

With the deadline just round the corner I don’t want to bite off more than I can chew…even though I kind of already have!! Haha. I'm going to build some temple stairs, just a few steps that are made of crumbled old stone with broken side walls. The wont be a fully modeled set of stairs, I will break them off before they reach the temple. I am hoping this will bring the scene together a bit more as right now it feels a bit lost :( As always, here are a load of visual images I have found to help me model my stairs.


Building Asset #7 - The Stairs

The stairs were really simple to build and make look organic. I built a basic stair formation like so…Sure, it looks like a lot of unnecessary edges at this stage but I needed them to emphasise the organic aesthetic. Plus I went onto tidying them up.

Using a mixture of extrusions on certain faces inwards and outwards plus manipulation of the vert placements I was able to create a set of stairs that looked organic and similar to those seen in my reference images. I wanted them to look rugged and misshapen, whilst they are temple stairs they are also in a jungle which isn’t supposed to be maintained by people everyday so they will become weathered and damaged. 

Asset #8 - Boulder/Rocks

I knew that I wanted to create some rocks for my environment but didn’t really have a clear vision on where or how to incorporate them into my environment other than “hey look, a rock. Look how it’s just randomly sitting here…great”. I will admit that with the hollow log and tree stump I was headed this way with my assets under the impression that the bridge and pillars were going to be the focal point of the environment. This led my other assets to look a little lost and I knew I needed something to pull the environment together! Especially before I started to build things for the sake of building. 

SO! Enter rocks with purpose!! :D I built the stairs and felt inspired by a model that I found whilst doing visual research for the stairs. The stairs had a rock formation around them and led up to a doorway/pathway. I thought to myself I could try to re create something similar. I began to build some basic rocks, experimenting with a new tool that I had wanted to use for ages called the lattice. 
First of all I did a bit of research into rock formations in a jungle environment. Ultimately it will be the texture that makes these large rocks look how they should so it was crucial I found images of rocks in the right place. Had I of researched rocks from a dessert I wouldn’t be getting the right impressions of the textures a rock from a jungle needs. Here are the inspirations and visual references I found which I feel give me a pretty good idea of how jungle rocks should be.

I didn’t really document or capture much of the development of the rocks as they started off as a trial/experiment. I started off building a rock that had a large crack in the middle. I also used the lattice tool in order to duplicate the same rock but manipulate its shape whilst keeping the geometry correct.


I never kept this rock which is why I didn’t document any more of its creation. The rock worked as a small rock as once enlarged to the scale to frame the stairs the crack became far too out of proportion, plus I was worried that including the crack would cause more problems later on when texturing as I already feel I have bitten off more than I can chew, I'm trying hard to add to my workload so that I can maintain a high quality. Therefore, this rock got binned haha. 

I ended up reverting to a previous save where I had the rock shown above, but before I had created the crack. I then used a series of extra edge loops, vert manipulation and re size tools to enlarge the rock formations into a rough outline/mock up of what the scene might look like with large rocks.  Here is the WIP as it stood when I was testing out blocks to see how it would look. 

I then began adding in more detail to the rock to achieve a look that I liked.

I also manipulated the stairs so that they fit in between the rocks. I want them to be as if they come out for the rock or at least blend in.  
Current Stage

At this stage the rock formations need a little more work but not loads, I don’t want to up the polys anymore really! The stairs also need to actually go somewhere; not just end suddenly on the other side! From feedback I have been advised that maybe I should just b ring the stairs down again on the other side just to finish it off so this is something I will probably do :D Here are my current WIP shots though. 

Oh yeah, I also added in polygon planes which I intend to texture with a floor as feedback suggested to me that my bridge didn’t read well as a bridge because everything was “floating” so I am hoping this will help. My main goal is to texture the assets though. 

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