Friday, 26 April 2013

BA6 | Specialism #18

Unwrapping the UV’s on the 1st Rock

Now that the rocks are at a stage I am happy to call “finished” I began to unwrap them. Here are screen shots from standard/auto mapping through to my manual planar mapping based upon axis and vert manipulation. 

Because these rocks are incredibly organic in shape and fairly complex in terms of the number of vertices and faces I had to be careful which faces I selected as which axis when planar mapping.  As you can see below, I started with a side axis planar projection, however this is what the checker UV’’s looked before I had projected so you can clearly see the difference between auto and my own UV’s. 

As you can see I continued to select faces around the rock and decide which axis to project them from to get the best UV results. 

I then spent time sewing the UV’s together in the editor to create a seamless net. 

After this, the final step was to project onto the top of the rock ensuring the final faces were all selected ready for the projection. I then resized this section to make sure the checkers weren’t stretched and were a similar size to the rest of the rock.  

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