Monday, 6 May 2013

BA6 | Specialism #28

Texturing my Environment | Part 6 - Wooden Planks

I have been looking forward to texturing the wooden planks since I began building the bridge. I only wish, as with most of my work, that I had reached the stage sooner so I could put more hours into the texture painting. Currently I have used a mixture of these textures: 


I was able to create some wooden planks that truly reflected the back-story of the bridge within my environment. The bridge isn’t supposed to be something that has carefully been built and maintained. It’s an old mysterious jungle bridge that would be discovered among a tomb area. The bridge planks are supposed to reflect the rushed nature of the build, each plank is different and misshaped, the bridge wasn’t built to look pretty but to be a quick means to cross a hole in order to be able to discover the environment on the other side (which would likely be a tomb in this case). 

I stated in my learning agreement that I wanted my texturing to reflect the weathering of the environment and be a true representation of the material making sure I took care to apply the “little extras”. So far my “little extras” are some cracks I have put onto the wood myself from separate textures as well as adding more bark like textures lightly over the top to increase the depth. I have also added moss to the edges of the wood where the planks would be most susceptible to weathering. Here you can see the subtle changes I made to the textures.

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