Tuesday, 7 May 2013

BA6 | Specialism #30

Texturing my Environment | Part 8 - Hollow Log

I used pretty much the same editing process for both the hollow log and tree stump which is why I am including them on the same blog post. The 2 models also used very similar textures, mainly because they are wood but also because they needed to be visually similar as f the wood is from the same environment. Here is a step by step image guide for how I created the hollow log textures paying close attention to the saturation of colour between wood and moss. 

Texturing my Environment | Part 9 - Tree Stump

After I had reached an acceptable stage of texturing the hollow log, I moved onto the tree stump. Using the same techniques to edit the images in Photoshop to create my own textures for my models. I wanted to make sure the tree stump felt a part of the same environment as the hollow log and rocks, obviously, so I was paying close attention to detail such as the flow of bark, moss, vegetation, the hues and distinct colours of jungle tree woods and smaller details such as lichen and bark chips. As with most of my work so far, I gathered fresh reference material to ensure I had correct visuals to influence my texture making. 

Just like with the small rocks, the tree stump took multiple textures painted and edited together in order to achieve an acceptable standard and aesthetic. Here you can see the texture editing process I took.  

Here are the links to the various textures that I used to create the log and tree stump: 

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