Monday, 6 May 2013

BA6 | Specialism #29

Texturing my Environment | Part 7 - Small Rocks

Now that I am fairly happy with the bridge I want to move onto texturing something that isn't a rope or wood, therefore I chose to continue onto the small rocks that are situated in front of the temple stairs. Of course, as usual, I have collected a small number of reference images so that I have some recent material to refer to when texturing my rocks.

From these reference images (as well as my early project research) I can see that the smaller rocks are often quite dark in colour with patches of light rock peeking through between moss and other vegetation that grows on the rock such as lichen. I will make sure my rock textures are quite dark and take special care where I put moss and lighter patches of rock. The textures I used were as follows: 

 Using only one or 2 of these textures created a really bland and boring rock. The rocks also didn’t feel inspired by my environment research which defeats the object. So, using a large mixture of all the above textures, I was able to edit together and paint myself my own custom rock textures which had more personality and reflected the research images and communicate what the environment is about (vegetation, overgrown, abandonment, scavenge etc).

As you can see, I have taken care to include details such as luscious emerald moss growing over the rocks, small lichens that have formed over time due to environmental changes and weather conditions as well as the changes in rock shape, tone, hue, pattern and colour. 

I still haven't set up any lights in my scene which is why the environment looks dark and quite flat at the moment, these are just WIP’s!!