Wednesday, 8 May 2013

BA6 | Specialism #32

Texturing my Environment | Part 12 - The Stairs

Just like all the other assets, I refreshed my mind by doing some visual research into how the temple stairs should look. Unfortunately most of the reference images I found showed the stairs made of stone. This is fine but the stone, in terms of hue, colour and tone is similar to that of the rest of my environment. However I don’t want to stray too far from my reference images so I will just try to keep an eye on my editing of the textures

I’m not 100% happy with the stairs but I am running low on time, they are being added to the “will come back too if have time” list. However they are at an acceptable stage where they fit into the scene, don’t blend in with the other rock/stone assets and actually look like stairs.

I started off using a texture with an actual brick effect to make my stairs look like they were made of stone. Whilst this looked okay from a distance, when close up you could clearly see the stone bricks made no “sense”. The cracks where two bricks met wouldn’t be in the right place and I just didn’t have enough time to edit them so that they looked proper. I also couldn’t leave them that way as they just weren't right. To show the editing process I did when creating my stairs here are some screen captures. 

I used textures that I have previously referenced but the main one was from TEXTURE KING: because it had enough grain in to be readable as stone but a different hue compared to the other assets in my environment. 

Texturing my Environment | Part 13 - Large Rocks

It was only fairly recently I did visual research on rocks and how they form in the jungle so I didn’t feel it necessary to gather more for the purpose of texturing my large rocks, I could simply refer to my recent images.

 I used a new variety of textures because I wanted the rocks to stand out and be set apart slightly from the “brown” of everything else. I have posted up the screen caps of various saved versions of the textures so you can see my development work into getting the textures how I want them to look. Here are the textures that I used, all from

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