Tuesday, 1 January 2013

BA5 Contextual Studies #01

Christmas Holiday Task
 First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR :D I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas! 

Before we broke up for our Christmas break we were given the brief for BA5 Contextual Studies. The project concentrates on platform and distribution where we are considering the possibilities and limitations presented by different gaming platforms, their place in the market and how digital games are both marketed and distributed. The project is going to conclude in the form of a 2000 word essay following the progression of our contextual studies lectures and studies throughout the project. 

However I am getting slightly ahead of myself.  We haven’t actually started back for our second term yet although we have been tasked with a small study project to get us started which needs to be completed over the Christmas break. The project is to consider a strategically important industry development which has taken place over the last 20 years and research them so that we can produce a five minute presentation upon our return to university. 

Downloadable Content 
 After doing some initial research on the greatest gaming innovations and sifting through multiple topics (such as the ability to explore 3D worlds, the beginning of stealth gameplay and how it has evolved & deep storytelling with the inclusion of conversation trees) I finally settled on the topic downloadable content, or DLC as it’s commonly referred to. 

Now that I have established my topic of interest I will move onto doing further research and also post up my findings from today but for now I am off to enjoy some quality time with my PS3 ;) 

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