Wednesday, 23 January 2013

BA5 Studio Project | Production #19

Miscellaneous Assets #09 - #12 - Photo Frame, Lamp, Vase & Open Book

These are assets that I created “freestyle”. I didn’t really have any reference material so I modelled them from my head which I know is bad practice but I already know imp not texturing this whole scene so I plan to just fill it up at least. Before it looked a bit empty but I think these small miscellaneous assets add a bit of character and bring the scene to life. 

Asset #09 - Desk Lamp

Here is a very basic, low poly model of a lamp which would be adding mood lighting to the scene (and possible light for the character and altering gameplay, refer to game design document). I have kept the sub-divisions as low as possible without losing the circular shape that I need for the lamp stand and shade. I have re used the trick that I think many modelers use for lamps in games where you just don’t actually see the bulb…although ironically I was playing some Left 4 Dead a night or so ago and I actually saw the inside of the lampshade and there was detail! D: nooooo haha :P I will have to ask my tutor tomorrow if this is an acceptable form of “short cut” for design. 

Asset #10 - Open Book

Here is another asset I made for the desk so that it didn’t look too empty, it is an open book. In terms of gameplay this could be used by the player in order to find a note or diary entry (again, refer to design document). The book itself is only a singular piece of low poly geometry so it couldn’t be animated to open as there are no separate pages; its all one piece. However this could be textured to appear like a book and the player wouldn’t think twice about it.

Asset #11 - Vase Ornament

This is simply a low poly ornament that could be scale dup (slightly) and used anywhere. I have used it on top of the desk to add more depth to the scene environment. It is low poly.  

Asset #12 - Photo Frame

This is here because it is a direct tie in with the gameplay. The player can find various family related photographs around the museum reminding them of past life events disguised as repressed memories. Here is an example of a photo frame in which the player could find one of these family photographs.

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